Christ OPC (Orthodox Presbyterian Church)is a congregation of individuals and families who professfaith in Jesus Christ. We gather for worship, Bible study, prayer, and fellowship so that we can grow in Christian love, doctrine and discipleship; and so that we can reach out in love to people in Janesville and beyond, according to Christ's purpose and for His glory.
We are a congregation of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church,a conservative denomination holding to the historic Reformation doctrine of Sola Scriptura: the Bible alone is the authoritative Word of God, the only infallible standard of faith and practice.
If you live in the Rockford, IL area, we invite you to worship with us at Providence OPC currently meeting in the Midway Museum Center at 10:30 AM for morning worship.For more information please visit the Providence OPCwebsite at:
We are located at the corner of Wright Road and Skyview Drive