KL Engineering, Inc. Every day across the state of Wisconsin, on heavily-traveled highways and scenic suburban roads, millions of commuters see the unparalleled professionalism of KL Engineering. Yet most of them never really notice. And that's just the way we intend it - seamless, convenient and dependable. Any other way, and people would notice. Since 1991, KL Engineering has built a suite of professional Civil Engineering services around a core specialization in transportation engineering and an unwavering customer service ethic.
08.10.10 | KL Engineering is currently working on the design for the University Avenue project and will have the final plans completed on November 1, 2010. We had the first of two public informational meetings in May. Construction is scheduled for 2012.
Branches and additional offices:
(715) 231-1600392 Red Cedar St Ste 5 Menomonie, WI 54751-2338