First Congregational UCC: A Rainbow People, Open and Affirming
131 6th Avenue at Broadway
Sun. after Labor Day-Sun. before Memorial Day (Fall-Spring):
Adult Nurture Class: 9 am
Sunday Worship: 10:15 am
Children's Nurture Class: after "Time with Children" in worship
Memorial Day Sunday-Labor Day Sunday (summer)
Our building is wheelchair accessible from the parking lot entrance and we have an elevator to the basement, entrance and sanctuary/narthex levels, where nearly everthing takes place. Large print bulletins and hearing assistance devices are available for worship. Click to link to UCC Disabilities Ministriespage:
Welcome to the home of First Congregational UCC in Baraboo on the web. Whether you're a current member or friend of the congregation, found us by a search, or are just browsing, I hope you'll find the website interesting and maybe there's something that will grab your attention and make you want to spend some "real time" with us on a Sunday morning!
Ihave just returned to active pastoring after a Sabbatical time away from First Congregational for several months, part olf the regular flow of being a pastor in the UCC. It was a time full of meaningful travels, time to rest, time to learn, time to be challenged. It is part of the faith, to take "sabbath" time regularly--on a weekly basis, on a bigger scale, too--to re-create and renew and rediscover just who God has made us to be. As one wise theologian has put it, sabbath is like a sacred fold in time. Some say it is an extravagant luxury, to take such time. I would argue that it is a necessity that, if practiced more widely in all sorts of professions, would be of benefit to employers, employees, business and culture in general--across the board. Regardless, I am glad to be back and look forward to our continuing ministry together, as pastor and people.
I hope, if you are checking us out online for the first time, that you will choose to join with us on a Sunday. We would love to welcome you to join us on your journey through life. If you haven't been to church for a while or maybe want to check out a congregation that is progressive and open-minded (kinda like Jesus was), a congregation that embraces worship tradition but is not enslaved to it and sometimes stretches out into new words and music and thoughts--thenthis is a great time to join us--a rainbow people, open and affirming. We look forward to
First Congregational welcomes ALL people, wherever you are on your spiritual journey.
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does not necessarily reflect the views of the American Bible Society.