Our Mission Statement
St. Martin of Tours is a vibrant, welcoming Roman Catholic community, accepting the call and challenge of Jesus through the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
We commit ourselves to the Word of God through Eucharistic worship, lifelong Catholic education and formation, and works of justice and stewardship.
Following the example of our patron saint, Martin of Tours, we proclaim the Kingdom of God through our generosity, love and service to one another and our neighbors.
Franklin's Indoor Fall Festival
10/26/2010 - COME JOIN US! Saturday, November 13th for an adult evening of music and dancing FREE Admission! Full Pig Roast by Rupena's, and FUN all night! Pig Roast is $8.00 pp Drinks and food start at 6:00pm Bobby Way and the Fabulous Wayouts will be performing live at 7:30pm 50/50 Raffles All proceeds will directly benefit St. Martin of Tours Parish School Call for more details at 414/425-9...
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We are an assisted living retirement community in Oshkosh, WI serving older adults, ages 55 and older. Ideal for those looking for a lifestyle of choice, freedom, and community. Call for a tour today!