Come and Worship with us!! Weekend Mass Schedule: Saturday Mass of Anticipation at 5:15 p.m.
Sunday Masses at 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m.
Sunday Spanish Mass at 5:00 p.m.
Our new parish directory is here!
Don't forget to pickup your copy! Additional Copies are available for purchase!
One virtue that is prevalent throughout the Scriptures is that of hospitality. We see it when Abraham offered food and rest to three travelers. We see it when Jesus Himself invited a large crowd to be seated as He cared for both their physical hunger as well as a hunger for His teaching.
It is in that same spirit that I take this opportunity to invite you to join us for prayer and worship at St. Francis de Sales Parish in Lake Geneva. As a Catholic parish in a resort community, we take the role of extending hospitality to the traveler as a part of our mission. While you are away from your own parish family, come and be a part of ours. Please know that there will always be a place for you around our table.
Bienvenidos a la Parroquia de St. Francis de Sales!
Nuestro Ministerio Hispano sirve a la Communidad Latina con la Celebracion de la Eurcaristia a las 5:00 de la tarde todos los domingos. Fr. Terry Huebner, Pastor
Branches and additional offices:
(262) 248-2778130 W Main St Lake Geneva, WI 53147-1920