Peace United Church of Christ is a congregation attentive to the Word of God who is Jesus, the Christ. Our community of faith offers everyone a place where the individual is valued and where each person is encouraged in his or her journey of discipleship. Worship in both word and sacrament is central to our life together.
We are a Body of believers who are ecumenically minded, progressive in our thinking, and dedicated to living our faith. Led by God’s Holy Spirit, our intent is to minister to one another as we reach out to our community and our world.
We invite you to meet us, worship with us, pray with us, play with us, study with us, sing praises with us. You are welcome at the Lord’s table where open communion is practiced. You are welcome to become part of a growing, challenging ministry.
Grace and Peace,
The Reverend Martha (Marty) E. Black - Pastor
Email Peace Church at: or
Pastor Marty at: