Welcome to Christ Presbyterian Church!
Here at Christ Presbyterian Church we are committed to helping each other connect with God, with others, and with God's great causes in the world. We are a dynamic community where people of many professions, experiences, and religious backgrounds have found friendship, faith, and a place to belong.
Our mission statement says a lot about us: with Christ at the center, gathering, growing and going.
We offer a variety of ways to gather for worship, fun, and building caring relationships. Our education programs inspire and challenge members to grow by grace. Opportunities to participate in mission provide avenues to serve and make a difference in Madison and the world. Visitors are welcome!
9:00am Classical Worship Service
10:15am Soul Café - great coffee & fellowship
10:15am Faith Café - discussion
11:15am Contemporary Worship Service
12:00pm Youth: Z-Factor (1st and 3rd Sunday of the month)
6:30pm Bible Study
Advent Worship 2010 at Christ Presbyterian Church
Poinsettia Order Form - Order by December 3, 2010!