Welcome to Port Chiropractic! Our goal is to offer you the best chiropractic care possible.
What is chiropractic and how can it help?
Chiropractic has a rich historythat dates as farback as the ancient Greeks. Chiropractic focuses on the relationship between the spine and the nervous system and theireffect on overall health.The nervous system dominates every part of the body as it runs through the spinal cord. Therefore, a misalignment of the spine can create symptoms far removed from the spine itself. Misalignments can be caused by falls,auto accidents, work injuries, bad posture and many other things.
Chiropractic, as the world's foremost natural healthcare science, works to correct misalignments of the spine and allow normal nerve transmission to occur. The goal of chiropractic is to treat the cause of the problem rather than the symptoms. As such, chiropractic does not involve the use of surgery or drugs.
An estimated 19.5 million Americans visit chiropractors each year ranging in age from newborns on up. Anyone looking to improve their overall health can benefit from chiropractic. Below is a partial list of conditions that may readily respond to chiropractic care:
For after-hours emergencies--please call the office at 284-7246 and your call will be forwarded.
United Health Care, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Humana, HSM, Health EOS, Choice Care, Cigna, Aetna, PHCS,First Health, ChiroCare/WPS, Medicare, Medicaid, and many others.
We would be happy to check your coverage-just give us a call (262) 284-7246.