Big Bear Down offer great products at great prices.
Bear Bait and Guided Hunts
HI-Standard Dog Food
Dog Collars, Leashes and Name Tags
Tracking Equipment and Collars
We are the largest bear bait suppliers in the state of Wisconsin. We offer three locations for picking up our products, Cadott, Colby and Loyal WI. Our bait is sold in barrels, pails, bags, totes and bulk trailer loads. We offer discount prices for large loads and for shoveling your own barrels. It is nice, clean bait with no wrappers and no mess. We will load your vehicle or deliver large quantities.
We have a full warehouse of:
Cookies, Cereal, Liquid Smoke, Ice Cream Cones, Cookie Dough
Pie Filling, Granola, Bear Scents, Special Mix
White and Dark Chocolate
Hi-Standard Dog food