Water Softener Salt Winter Weather Deicer Commercial Residential
S&S Salt located in Delavan Wisconsin, has been delivering water softener saltand winter deicing salt inWalworth County and surrounding areas. S&S Salt isfamily owned and operatedsince 2002.
Our business is thedelivery of water softenersalt to both commercial and residential customers.Ourmain priority and reputation is the flexibility of ourdelivery schedule, Monday thru Saturday. Wedeliveraroundyour schedulenot ours, unlike some of ourcompetitors.Our job doesn't end when the water softener salt isdelivered,we will putit directly into the brine tank for you.
Another aspect of our business is the delivery ofwinterdeicing salt.S&S Salthas both residential and commercial accounts. We welcome the opportunity to supply the hard working snow plow companies.
Feel free to call us for a quote.
ABT Water has been installing water meters for manufactured housing and in the water industry since 1992. We started primarily as a water treatment company.