Expedited Freight Service
We Deliver Just About Anything NATIONWIDE
Same Day Deliveries Midwest Wide
Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, And Michigan
We have 5 Suburbans and 19 trucks available
(8 - 15 ft. Cube Vans, 11 - 24/26 ft. Cube Vans)
Tommy Lifts on Five (5) Cube Vans to serve your needs.
We pick up and deliver (letters, boxes, and pallets) ANYWHERE.
We can haul loads up to 21,000 lbs.
Same Day Pick Up And Delivery
Milwaukee Daily Route
Fond du Lac, Lomira, Allenton, Slinger, Hartford,
Menomonee Falls, Milwaukee Metro Area
Milwaukee Pick Up And Delivery (On The Average) 3 Times A Day
Green Bay Daily Route
Fond du Lac, Oshkosh, Fox Cities, & Green Bay
Same Day Rates Apply Also To Next Day Deliveries In Alternate Areas