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It's Harvest Time by Mark Seager
I was recently driving down the road when I noticed the corn was ready for harvest. Harvest time is a busy time of the year for farmers.
For us, it is a joy to pick up fresh vegetables at farmers markets or at the stands that are set up near gas stations or other miscellaneous locations.
For farmers, it really is not all about the “joy”, but instead it is about hard work and getting the harvest in before the winter cold sets in and snow falls. The tractors have to be tuned up and ready for the wear and tear of another harvest season. Farmers can often be found working day and night to accomplish their task at hand.
The Bible says in Matthew 9:37: “The harvest truly is plenteous but the laborers are few.” This scripture is referring to how the world needs God, but that there are not enough people willing to work as hard as a farmer does at harvest time to spread God's message of love to the world. There are still so many people that have not heard the message of God’s saving grace and his plan for salvation.
If we find ourselves yielded to God’s plan, then it is time for us to do our part in spreading the gospel. However, if we have not yet yielded to God’s plan, then today is a great day to seek out His will for us.
There are many opportunities to work in the harvest field for God. Like the farmer, you may have to sacrifice some time and work hard. However, it will be a worthwhile investment! • We can invite people to come to church with us. • We can teach a Bible study to someone who doesn’t know the Word. • We can have coffee with a new member of Apostolic Truth Church. • We can sing in the choir. • We can help usher or greet friends as they come to church.
Let’s not forget the most important thing of all; to pray! Matthew 9:38 says: “Pray ye therefore the lord of the harvest that he will send forth laborers into his harvest”.
Oasis Senior Advisors is a FREE service for families to help them find senior living and care options in Appleton, Wisconsin (WI) and surrounding areas. Call (920) 716-9406 to speak with an advisor.