Jerry and Ted, thanks so very much for all your work (topsoil, too).I certainly appreciate it!!
Welcome! Thank you for visiting Foleys Tree Service, LLC
Foley's Tree Service, LLC is locally owned and based in Tomahawk, Wisconsin, serving Tomahawk and the surrounding communities since 1980. Our services include:
Tree Preservation Consulting
Our business is based on several core values:
Service of the highest quality
Respect for trees, the land, and our customers
Knowledge of our business and adherence to tree care standards of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
Ethics that further the stauts of arboriculture as a respected profession
Stewardship of the land
Education of our customers on tree care issues
Safety and adherence to OSHA and ANSI standards
715-612-2407 or 715-612-0995
Foley's Tree Service, LLC
N11161 Callahan Road
Branches and additional offices:
(715) 453-2407W5582 Dehart Dr Tomahawk, WI 54487-8458