Cruisin Safely Motorcycle Instruction, LLC Oshkosh/Neenah, WI
Certified by the WI Department of TransportationWe teach/train you how to ride a motorcycle safely, and will issue a motorcycle skills test waiverupon completion of the course provided you pass the written and riding course tests.
VISA/MC Now Accepted!!!
Morning, Evening and Weekend Classes Avaliable April - October
Two locations in Oshkosh and Neenah
No waiting list!!!!!
Small class sizes for indivualized training.
WI D.O.T. motorcycle license waiver.
Newer motorcycles that are low to the ground, lightweight and easy to handle even for the inexperienced rider.
Comfortable learning atmosphere.
16 hour class over3-day period.
Receive $50 gift certificate for gear upon successful completion of course.