Pastor's Welcome Message
God bless you! The members and staff at St. Luke’s welcome you to this web page and invite you to our church family. We seek a ministry that uplifts Jesus Christ and provides opportunities for each person to grow in his or her discipleship. If you are new to our community or do not have a church home, we invite you to join us in carrying out our mission: “We at St. Luke’s dedicate ourselves to grow in faith and love, to serve together, and to reach out with the Gospel of Jesus Christ."
Fan Into Flame
"Fan Into Flame is a campaign to gather financial support for the Ablaze! movement. It is a critical step to fund the movement's innovative projects and programs that share the Gospel with 100 million people."
Check the Fan into Flame campaign total for gifts and pledges
What's it about:
The Community Thanksgiving Dinner is for those in our congregation who may be
alone on this day or are unable to prepare the traditional meal for themselves or family.
Transportation is available as we encourage you to join with others this day.
Home deliveries will be made for the homebound in the Wisconsin Rapids area.
There is no charge for the meal. Donations are made and supplemental funds are provided by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans and Ceolia Environmental Services.
Reservations for all meals can be made beginning November 15th.
Please call the church office, 715-423-5990 weekdays between 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM.
St. Lukes Fellowship Hall - 2011 10th Street South, Wisconsin Rapids