Semper Reformada The church must always be reformed
The depiction of the burning bush and the phrase, "Nec Tamen Consumebatur," a Latin phrase, is a quote from Exodus 3:2, which means, "And yet it was not consumed." Long a symbol of the Presbyterian Church (dating back to at least 1691), the symbol of the burning bush is still used by many Presbyterian Churches in Scotland, Ireland, Canada and Australia. The Scottish Presbyterians who came to America brought their doctrine, worship, form of government and this symbol with them. John Calvin saw the burning bush as representative of the people of God, the Church, which suffers in every age and place but against which not even the gates of Hell can prevail. It is our prayer that we will continue the Reformation principles of historic Presbyterianism, trusting in God to sustain us so that, by His persevering grace, we shall not be consumed.
Welcome to Reformation Presbyterian Church!
Has something been missing from your life? We think we know what it is. The most important thing in life is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever. At Reformation Presbyterian Church, our desire is to serve God. We also
desire to serve you in your spiritual quest, by bringing you powerful
In December of 2009 we called a new Pastor, and we purchased a new building >>>Read More
Branches and additional offices:
(262) 246-4760N63W23421 Main St Sussex, WI 53089-3235