Welcome to Connections Counseling - an outpatient AODA and Mental Health Clinic
Connections Counseling is a certified outpatient drug/alcohol and mental health clinic founded by our director, Shelly Dutch.
Connections Counseling is a unique and strength based clinic focused on creating a safe and supportive environment for young people, families and adults to find a recovery community conducive to hope and healing. The foundation of our program is based on a model of mentoring and giving back to others. Clients find they are not alone and have found acceptance and support to address their personal struggles and begin the process of healing by moving forward and beginning to trust and work towards finding their passions.
The staff at Connections Counseling are a combination of recovering individuals, compassionate and experienced clinicians. We offer a unique and personal perspective that is most effective. The staff provides a diverse and eclectic approach to long term well being. We incorporate daily activities and physical fitness into treatment and encourage participation in self-help groups.
Groups and Family Program
Families are an integral and essential component for successful treatment outcomes. Our family program encompasses both education and comprehensive interactive groups. Family members are encouraged to participate in our family program. Two certified family therapists facilitate these programs.
Connections Counseling offers numerous college and adolescent groups. Gender specific groups, dual-diagnosis, OWI and opiate specific treatment groups are some of our unique opportunities provided for clients.
Connections Counseling also has two ASAM certified physiatrists and over 12 clinicians that are both AODA and mental health specialists. We incorporate medication management into treatment when appropriate.