"That we should be to the praise of His glory, who first trusted in Christ" - Ephesians 1:12
Welcome to Calvary Baptist Church
We invite you to come and join us for a service. We are a ministry where the Bible is proclaimed and the family is priority.
Our main purpose is to teach and preach the truth of God's Word and to see that truth transform lives. Our main interest is people, and that means you! We exist to share the good news of eternal life in Jesus Christ, and to spiritually strengthen His people. Do you know Him as your personal Lord and Savior?
Thanks for taking the time to view our website. If you have any questions or if we can minister to you in any way, please don't hesitate to contact us!
Calvary Baptist Church * 2101 Green Bay Road * Kaukauna * WI * 54130 Phone: (920) 766-7287 * office@calvarykaukauna.org