Life has a way of pulling and ripping at the very core of our being. With the economy in turmoil and our individual lives under constant attack, we need lives that can withstand the hurricane winds of change. More specifically, we need lives that are built-up according to Gods principles.
A new mens study at CBC is designed to help men become all that God wants them to be. GOD BUILT is an eight week study in the life of Caleb and Joshua. We will be meeting on Saturday mornings starting October 9. Each session will include a large group instruction time (2530 minutes), followed by small group interaction. This is intentionally designed togive men an opportunity to build friendships with other men while growing in the wisdom and knowledge of God.
Branches and additional offices:
(920) 921-053070 E Pioneer Rd Fond Du Lac, WI 54935-6157
(715) 384-8002300 S Walnut Ave Marshfield, WI 54449-2738
(414) 778-22531459 S 81st St Milwaukee, WI 53214-4511