We are happy that you've visited our website. We are a little church with abig heart! As you are seeking God's wayin your life, we hope to serve you in some way.
We worship together on Sunday mornings at 10.30am as we celebrate all that God is doing in our lives and in our world. You are always welcome to join the celebration.
After worship we gather in various groups to learn more about living the way of Jesus and what that means for us today. As we share our lives together within a smallcommunity of faith,we also share our "big heart" with neighbors throughout Sheboygan County. We want toserve and care for people with a gracious and generous presence.
Help us as wepartner with God tobrighten this world with the love of God that we see in Jesus Christ.
Peace and joy to you,
The content of this website is the responsibility of this website's editor and
does not necessarily reflect the views of the American Bible Society.