Serving eastern Wisconsin: Waukesha (262-549-9300)—Sheboygan (920-452-7999)
The Masters of Martial Arts
Hap Moo Do (Synergy of Tae Kwon Do, Ju Do, Hapkido and Self-Defense)
Serving eastern Wisconsin: Waukesha(262-549-9300)—Sheboygan(920-452-7999)
* Programs that create strong family bonds
* Improve student attention and life skills
* Promote non-violent conflict resolution
* Learn confidence, self-discipline, control,
* Courtesy and integrity, basic tenets
* Physical, mental benefits
* Discipline, respect, positive self-image
* Value of persisting until goals are reached
* Follow high standard of values
* Bring out the good, increase quality of life
* Promote enthusiasm and positive reinforcement
Resolve conflicts peacefully
Honor and well-being to humanity Wisdom, Non-Violence
Special children programs
Branches and additional offices:
(262) 549-9300
1515 Summit Ave Waukesha, WI 53188-3224