First Congregational Church About FCC Co-Pastors Message Christian Education Read a Sermon Music Where Can I Use My Gifts? Stephen Ministry Calendar of Events First Tuesdays at FCC Tidings -- FCC Newsletter Guest Book Staff Search the Scriptures Generosity: It's Heart Work! November 21st "Servapolooza!"
If you're a visitor to our website looking for information about our church, welcome! Take some time to explore our site to find out more about us, our history, our ministry, and our future.
Don't let the building scare you. It looks a little like a fortress, we know, but inside is what counts. Inside you'll find people to welcome you -- people who say, No matter who you are or where you are on life's journey, you're welcome here! We believe that God is still speaking to the world, calling us to new ways of living, embracing all people, working toward justice that will bring the world peace. We like to say, Our faith is 2000 years old, but our thinking is not.
Join us for worship any Sunday. If you plan on visiting the Oshkosh area, have recently moved to town and are looking for a church family, or if you just have questions about us, please don't hesitate to contact us. We are right downtown, just a block west of the Sundial, with plenty of parking.
If you would like to receive a brief note about the activities of the coming weekend, and current prayer concerns by email each Thursday, just email Diane, and ask to be put on the E-news list!
*Except November 21st -- See that page!
9:00 -- Christian Growth opportunities for all ages, including an Adult LIfelong Learning discussion, a yarn group, and a place for those who just want to have a cup of coffee and read the paper.
10:00 -- Worship Celebration! Third Graders and older stay for the full service, while younger children leave after the "Children's Time."
11:00 -- Fellowship Time following worship: Refreshments and conversation
Childcare for toddlers and infants is offered through the morning