Welcome to W. J. Woodruff Roofing Contractors, Inc. - Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
We are a third generation roofing contractor that provides roofing services to all building owners. Inspections and recommendations are our specialty. Allowing us to make an inspection and recommendation costs you nothing.
In the roofing world, if you simply ask three bidders for a roofing price, you will get varied recommendations and costs. One will recommend a roof using a material he prefers to stock, sell, and install. One will recommend a roof that is the cheapest (not actually the best) roof in hopes of getting the job. We will recommend the best roof system for your building that meets your needs, budget and expectations.
Sorting out those recommendations can be a tough task, unless you ask the right questions of the right roofer, you may not get the correct solution for your roof's problems - just a cheap roof or a roof of what a roofer has leftover in the warehouse. Don't settle for cheap left overs, call us.
What to expect from a good roofer.
When providing a bid you can expect us to:
Inspect the roof.
Interview you or your staff on problems and concerns.
Take test cuts to determine conditions.
Examine all roof top conditions and perimeter details.
Make a recommendation concerning the amount of R value or thermal resistance of the roof insulation for you building.
Provide a detailed recommendation for a quality roof system for your building.
Contact us by:
Voice = 920-922-3110 or 1-800-236-3110
Cell Phone = 920-579-0123 Mark Woodruff
Cell Phone = 920-579-0124 Jim Woodruff
Cell Phone = 920-948-0798 Jeff Woodruff
Cell Phone = 920-948-3442 Brian Zangl
Fax = 866-594-9209 toll free
MAIL = P O Box 763 Fond du Lac WI 54936-0763
Leak repairs = 920-922-3110
Don't live with a drip - call us for a repair and recommendation.
Commercial and industrial roofs since 1939. Providing quality roofing on new construction and reroofing projects in east central Wisconsin.
Members of the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA)
Midwest Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA)
Wisconsin Roofing Contractors Association (WRCA)
Wisconsin Roofing Contractors Association
We will inspect your roof. Tell you what we think is good and bad. We will hunt for leaks. We perform roof maintenance or train your people to maintain your roof. Your roof is the part of your building that is the most valuable but hidden asset. Don't ignore it.
We have been providing quality roofing, siding, and concrete contracting for over 25 years, building a reputation of trust and satisfaction with our customers.
You will get nothing but the very best customer service from Wholesale Insulation Distributors / Installers, Inc., because we have built our reputation on treating our customers like they are family.
West 225 South 9470 Big Bend dr Big Bend, WI 53103