The Kind of Men God is Looking For
It seems today that everyone wants to be a leader. We have just gone through the election of government leaders. God delivered two million people out of Egypt with five leaders. They found out they would need more leaders very soon. God wanted men although one of the five was a women named Miriam. God didn't want any men but men with certain qualities. God wanted men that would pray and know the ways of God. He also wanted men that would fear God, be truthful, and hate covetousness. These qualities are needed for all believers. Our founding fathers used these to screen early leaders of our country. We need to use this same biblical model today. We need men, fathers, grandfathers, government leaders and Christian leaders today with these same characteristics.
Stand before God for the people so that you may bring the difficulties to them the ways they must walk...Moreover you shall select from all the people able men such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness and place them to be rulers of thousands, rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties and rulers of tens. Exodus 19:19-21
We need men not that know how to pray, but will pray!
-Young Adults Eyesight Healed
-Marriage restored after not speaking for a year and living separated
Thanksgiving Celebration and Services - Join us the weekend of November 20-21 to joyfully thank God for His abundant goodness to us! Pie will be served following the Saturday evening 6:00 service and a turkey meal will be served following the Sunday 10:00 am service!
Pancake Breakfast - Sunday December 5th, 9:15 am
Friend Day - Bring a friend with for weekend services December 11-12
Coggin's Family Christmas Music - Weekend Services December 18-19
Christmas Eve Services - December 24th 3 pm & 5 pm
No Service Christmas Day
Tuesday: 6:30pm GO! Youth
Friday: Discipleship Bible Study 7:00 pm, Outreach 7:00 -9:00 pm
Saturday: New Second Service 6:00 pm
Saturday service 6:00pm
We have a light breakfast at 9:30am every Sunday, and Service starts at 10:00am.