To youwith our sincere thanks for nearly 21 years of loyalty. Weve gone a long way together, from border to border and coast to coast. Your trust has helped us become the leader in senior citizen motorcoach tours in Northwestern Wisconsin and Northeastern Minnesota. Your recommendations have broadened our markets to include southern and central Wisconsin as well as the Twin Cities. Without your support, were goin nowhere!
Well all agree that we live in some of the most beautiful countryin the country. Did you ever consider just how perfectly situated we are to visit the rest of the country. Compared to many, were already halfway there. Imagine a tour of New England from California or Branson from Pennsylvania. And theres Canada, why, some Home Spun travelers can see Canada from their front porch.
So where will you go next? Hey, were going there too! I hope well go together. Theres a lot we want to show you! Reminder, theresmore of what youre going for with Home Spun Tours
So heres to youthis great country we live inand 21 more years!
Travel Guard is one of America's leading providers of travel insurance plans. Each year millions of travelers depend on them for comprehensive coverage and 'round-the-clock travel assistance. A Travel Guard pamphlet can be requested by calling Home Spun Tours toll-free at 866-466-7786.
Can you see yourself boarding one of these
motorcoaches and tour the country with Home Spun Tours?
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