Welcome to the Peace Church website! Within these pages you will see the beauty of our building, the diversity of our congregation, and the life of our church in fellowship and service as people of God. As a community of faith, we offer the opportunity for spiritual growth through worship, Christian education, community involvement, and mission outreach.
The mission of Peace United Church of Christ is to nurture our personal relationship with God and to reach out to our local and global neighbors as servants of Christ. We will celebrate and share our faith by welcoming all people to worship and fellowship. Grounded in rich tradition and prayer, we are guided by the Holy Spirit to plant and nourish the seeds of change.
We hold these core values: optimism, honesty, acceptance, empathy, compassion, and respect.
We are proud of the tradition and heritage of this church's one hundred and twelve year presence in Stevens Point. As a Faithful people, we are open to the working of the Holy Spirit in our midst, calling us into the future with the new ministries and change in the 21st century. We invite you to become acquainted and involved at Peace UCC soon.
Intelligent dialogue and a strong independent streak sometimes cause the United Church of Christ (UCC) and its 1.4 million members to be called a heady and exasperating mix. The UCC tends to be a mostly progressive denomination that unabashedly engages heart and mind. And yet, the UCC somehow manages to balance congregational autonomy with a strong commitment to unity among its 6,000 congregations despite wide differences among many local congregations on a variety of issues.
Peace UCC is accessible to everyone, including parking out front and an elevator inside.
Peace United Church of Christ - an Open and Affirming (ONA) Congregation
Dear Peace Church Family,
I am very pleased and honored that we are now a host sight for the local Narcotics Anonymous group at Peace UCC. Their meeting times are Sunday at 6:30 p.m., Monday at 6:30 p.m. and Thursday at 12 noon.
The members of this group ask to remain anonymous due to the stereotypes and stigmas attached with recovery. We will honor the confidentiality of these groups and ask that you support our sisters and brothers seeking a state of health and wholeness during this time of their lives.