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St Albert The Great Catholic Church
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The Giving Tree November 27th & 28th, December 4th &
Address2420 Saint Albert The Great Dr Sun Prairie, WI 53590-9336
Phone(608) 837-3798
THIS WEEK AT ST. ALBERT'S Sunday, November 14th 8:00 AM Mass 10:30 AM Mass Offertory Program Twinning Nut Sales 9:00 AM FLAME 2 6:00 PM FLAME 2
Monday, November 15th 7:00 AM Newsletter Deadline
Tuesday, November 16th 2:30 PM Meadowmere 5:30 PM Mass 5:30 PM FLAME 2
Wednesday, November 17th 8:05 AM Rosary 8:30 AM Mass 10:30 AM Willows Nursing Home 1:15 PM Womens Spirituality, ULPC 6:00 PM Instrumentalist Practice 6:30 PM FLAME 2 7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal, Church
Thursday, November 18th 8:05 AM Rosary 8:30 AM Mass 9:30 AM Playgroup 7:00 PM RCIA, Fireside Romm 8:00 PM Praise Band Rehearsal
Friday, November 19th 8:05 AM Rosary 8:30 AM Mass Craft Fair Setup

The Giving Tree November 27th & 28th, December 4th & 5th The Sun Prairie Community Help Organization and area churches are again providing Christmas gifts for needy children in Sun Prairie. The Giving Tree is an opportunity to help families who cannot afford clothing or gifts for their children. Paper ornaments with the name of a child are hung on a tree for those who would like to provide a gift. This year, because of the current economy and the increase in numbers of needy children in Sun Prairie, we are asking for a little different type of giving. Instead of asking for clothing, we are asking for age and gender appropriate essentials such as hats, gloves or mittens, scarves, socks and blankets. The tree will be in the Narthex the end of November. Once again we will be collecting JELLY, all kinds (except homemade), and SIZE 4 DIAPERS for the Sun Prairie Community Help Organization. During the first two weeks of December please bring Jelly and diapers to the gathering area before Mass or FLAME. There are many ways to help those in need during the holidays. If you would like to volunteer your time on Distribution Day, December 15th, please contact Mary Kay Von Allman at

A big THANK YOU to the following teams who helped make our FLAME 1 session a success: hospitality, set up, clean up, drama, prayer, snack team, Pray and Play, and Visual Arts...there are so many people behind the scenes who make it all happen. The following teams are looking for more help! Please contact susan@saintalberts to join one of these teams and meet some fabulous and selfless people: Drama team (Jan, Feb, March), Hospitality (Sun AM and Tues PM only), Visual Arts, and Set Up (Saturday afternoons). Thanks for helping out!

This Week at FLAME 2 on Nov 14, 16 & 17: Adults: Choose from a variety of workshops to share and learn more about Servant Leadership. Presentation on Sunday morning at 9 AM in the lower level parish center with Julie Wiedmeyer, who recently completed her Masters in Servant Leadership Interactive Discussion on Sunday night at 6 PM in the narthex with Andrew Bolling Interactive Bible Study on Tuesday night at 5:30 PM in the narthex with Brian Walker Presentation on Wednesday night at 6:30 PM in the chapel with Julie Wiedmeyer Youth: Small group leaders will guide you through discussions, video and games and a closing prayer that will help you understand the importance of Servant Leadership. Children: A chance to do a real live service opportunity during your classes for the Giving Tree! There will also be time for games, Scripture stories, Prayer and Praise, and help you learn how and why to be servants of the Lord!

Liturgical Minister Schedule Reminders Recently a couple times were changed. The evening Mass for Immaculate Conception has been moved from 7:00 PM to 6:30 PM (the choir will meet before Mass, and our regular Wednesday night rehearsal will follow this Mass). On New Years Day there will only be a 4:00 PM Mass (NO 9 AM Mass). If you are scheduled for any of these Masses with modified times, please let me know if this affects your ability to assist. I ask that all of you please check the schedule NOW so that you are not caught off-guard with a ministerial assignment that you are not able to fulfill. If you are scheduled for any times you cannot make, please find a substitute as early as possible. Also, I am asking at this time for Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist to notify me of your willingness to serve at the 4:00 PM Christmas Eve Mass. It is for this very special Mass that we like to plan ahead, due to the need for more ministers than normal. Thank you!

Voices of St. Alberts Full Choir Work on our beautiful Christmas and Advent Mass music has begun. November rehearsal times are as follows: Wednesday Nov, 17th 7:00-9:00 PM Wednesday Nov, 24th 7:00-9:00 PM

Voices of St. Alberts Praise Band We are currently working on music for the Masses on the weekend of Christ the King, November 20th & 21st; and very much looking forward to singing and playing for the 6:30 PM Mass on Christmas Eve this year! November rehearsal times are as follows: Thursday Nov. 18th 8:00-9:30 PM

Resurrection Rally Resurrection Rally at Chula Vista Resort in Wisconsin Dells, February 4-6, 2011. Registration is now available for this AMAZING weekend for High School Youth! Information is available by clicking HERE. This form and a deposit of $40 is due by November 16th to lock-in the registration fee of $85 (this fee is for the conference and meals onlyhotel fee will be additional). If you have any question, please contact Lisa at 837-3798 ext. 30 or at

Welcome to St. Alberts Parish Family Christopher & Erin Sadler & Bennett & Katherine BAPTISM: November 7th, 2010, Sawyer Dean Leatherberry, son of Thomas & Jennifer

Brown Bags Needed! The Red Barn is in need of brown grocery bags. Please drop them off at the Parish Center or at the Red Barn, 18 Rickel Road, Sun Prairie. Thank you for your help.

Red Barn Needs Volunteers! November 15th Our next scheduled date to work the Red Barn will be Monday, November 15th, from noon until 4:00 PM. If you are available and would like to help out, please stop by. The Red Barn is located in the Sunshine Place, 18 Rickel Road, Sun Prairie. More information call Eileen at 837-3541. Thank you.

Thanksgiving Meal at Luke House Thursday, November 25th The Community Meal Program will be serving its traditional Thanksgiving meal at Luke House on Thanksgiving Day. We will be serving turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy and all the fixings. Thee are many ways to get involved with the meal: providing food, food prep during the week of Thanksgiving, serving food or sharing the meal. If you would like to participate in any way, please contact Paul Ashe at 608-256-6325. As always, any help you can provide is greatly appreciated. Some people have asked about the type of food donations that are useful to Luke House. Useful items include pasta, spaghetti sauce, salt, pepper, sugar, coffee, meals in a can (such as beef stew), vegetables and canned fruit. Year-round, Luke House has an impact on many peoples lives. This year has been a tough one for many in our community. The involvement of people from your faith community enables us to continue to carry out our Mission. Thank you for your continued prayers & support. - Paul Ashe,

Food Pantry Volunteers November 19, 2010 Linda Leggett (837-8402) Sue Ann Klein (837-5322) Nancy Veenendaal (837-8290) Terri Hayes (837-2875) Mary Ann Kloppedal (837-9627) Laura Ritchie (825-6987) Jean & Jerry Sessions (837-5686) Megan Katz (825-6802) Reminder: Lead person is to contact all workers. If workers have not heard from lead person the day before your shift, please contact them. Thank you.

LAY MINISTERS Christ the King (November 20 & 21)
Lectors: 4:00 PM Deb Belken, Jerry Thornsen 8:00 AM Chris Hetzel, Bill Morrissey 10:30 AM Joyce Schuh, Amy Kohl
Hospitality Ministers: 4:00 PM Perry Haugen, Mary Detra, Greg & Marlene Cichy 8:00 AM John & Chris Broeckert, Gene & Mary Jo Brink 10:30 AM Scott Faust, Chris Pundzak, John & Annette Condron
Servers: 4:00 PM Alexis Bernard, Audrey Presser, Sam Presser 8:00 AM Alex Baker, Mark Hetzel, Lauren Scharenbrock 10:30 AM Alex Filter, Dan Harwood, Nick Faust
Eucharistic Ministers: From the Parish Community

...for the bulletin of Sunday, November 14 ...for the bulletin of Sunday, November 7 ...for the bulletin of Sunday, October 31 ...for the bulletin of Sunday, October 24 ...for the bulletin of Sunday, October 17


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