Pastor Dick & Carol Sisson
The modern world is both secular and impersonal. No wonder so many are getting thirsty for a personal relationship with God. Along with this thirst is a hunger for the experience of true "community". I think the secret of meeting both needs is lifting up the name of Jesus. He said, "If I am lifted up I will draw all people to myself. Somehow, as we draw closer to Him, we draw closer to each other. We're trying to help each other forget all the religious labels that divide God's people. We focus on the crucial issues of knowing Christ, serving Christ, and sharing Christ.
In His love,
Weekly Schedule and Activities
Saturday, Nov. 7th
Shoe Box Event for Hope Class & Youth
Sunday, Nov. 14th
International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church
Tuesday, Nov. 23rd
Thanksgiving Praise & Pie Social
Saturday, Dec. 4th
Women's Christmas Tea at Ann Byrne's 9:30 am.
Combined Ministry Schedules
Branches and additional offices:
(920) 387-428316 S Main St Mayville, WI 53050-1640