(Click image for the new church as shown at the Barrymore Theatre)
We are a people dedicated by God to assisting all people in becoming followers of Jesus Christ
Welcome to Messiah Church's Webpage
We are a community of faith within the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Messiah Church is a growing and vibrant congregation on Madison's east side, and one of over 145 congregations that make up the South-Central Synod of Wisconsin www.scsw-elca.org. We gather as a family of faith for worship; for faith formation; and for service to our brothers and sisters who are hurting or marginalized. We are commited to social justice, tolerance and reconciliation among all people. Thank you for visiting our webpage. Feel free to browse and learn about our faith community. Please know that you are always welcomed to join us for worship.
Join us at 7:00 PM on Wednesday Evening, Nov. 24th as we celebrate Thanksgiving – a time to give gratitude to God for this community of Messiah Church, our lives and loves. This is a beautiful way to prepare for Thanksgiving Day!
(608) 222-3833 or (office) (608) 222-2039 (fax) LITURGY TIMES
Early Liturgy 8:15 AM
Late Liturgy 10:30 AM (10:00 AM during the Summer)
Sunday School and Adult Bible Study @ 9:30 AM
Cub Scouts Pack 12 of Messiah Church
Ecumenical Housing Corporation
Evangelical Lutheran Church In America
Seeds for the Parish
November 18 (7:30pm) Choir Rehearsal
November 19 (3:30pm) Girl Scouts Troop 2586
November 20 (8:00am) Staff Meeting