Now in Partnership with Wisconsin Search and Wisconsin Hosting Services
the web site committed to serving the West Central Wisconsin Area
The West Central Wisconsin Community Webring (WCWCW) is designed to bring the power and convenience of the Internet to the Businesses, Institutions and people of our area. We are committed to the service of this area in the most accessible and user-friendly way possible. We are determined to make the WCWCW the most comprehensive and usable of sites that serve our area. Within the WCWCW you will find comprehensive Community Service Announcements, Web Pages and Links from the community, Member Listings, Bulletin Boards and WCWCW Forums (free!) as well as up-to date weather information geared toward West Central Wisconsin. Need a website? Try the WCWCW Web Hosting Service. Want to talk 'real-time' with others...try WCWCW Chat!
We are from this area and about this area!
Welcome to the Community Webring!
write WCWCW 21401 Krypton Rd., Kendall WI 54638
ph. (608)-427-3433