Keystone Physical Therapy LLC Whether your fitness is professional or recreational, your health is our focus. With the credibility born from advanced clinical training, experience in a wide area of sports, and a passion for helping and healing, our team has earned the respect of our medical colleagues and elite athletes alike. We synch our science, skills, and personalities to return you to your active lifestyle.
We are the Physical Therapists to the NBA Milwaukee Bucks.
One hour appointments spent entirely with your therapist; we do not use any assistive personnel.
All of our therapists have over 10 years of clinical experience.
All of our therapists are highly trained in and practice manual therapy.
We are experts in gait analysis, shoe wear and custom orthotics.
Keystone features an in-house orthotic grinding lab.
We have a fully equipped gym with cardio equipment, a full array of exercise machines and functional strengthening equipment to instruct you in proper biomechanics and form.
Keystone Physical Therapy, LLC 17045 West Capitol Drive Brookfield, WI 53005 262-790-5775