Adult Sunday School Studies What Christians Believe, Why They Believe It and Why It Matters and New Testament Survey. Come join us for these...
Day with God July 24th, 9:00 to Noon, Eichelman Park, Kenosha, WImeet by the Gazebo. Experience a Day, getting closer with God in...
5 Day Club! Annual 5-Day Club- Vacation Bible School- August 9-13, 1pm-3pm. Ages 5-12. Fun Bible Studies with snacks and crafts.
Men’s Fellowship Guest Speakers Men’s fellowship- Great Breakfast along with guest speaker. September25,8am-10am. Come Hungry!
Adult Sunday School Studies
What Christians Believe, Why They Believe It and Why It Matters and New Testament Survey. Come join us for these...
Day with God
July 24th, 9:00 to Noon, Eichelman Park, Kenosha, WImeet by the Gazebo. Experience a Day, getting closer with God in...
Annual 5-Day Club- Vacation Bible School- August 9-13, 1pm-3pm. Ages 5-12. Fun Bible Studies with snacks and crafts.
Men’s Fellowship Guest Speakers
Monthly Men’s Fellowship Breakfast
Northside Bible Church's First Annual Easter Egg Hunt was a success! Plenty of parents with their children came out to enjoy the event. 08:39:36 PM April 03, 2010 from web
Northside Bible Church is now on Twitter, follow what's happening by subscribing to NBC's tweets. 05:51:22 PM April 03, 2010 from web
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