Welcome to Father Doms DOO Good Products by God's Good Earth
Our products are a specially formulated blend of all natural organic materials. These blends furnish valuable soil microorganisms; help to loosen hard soils, help improve soil aeration and moisture retention. All are attributes which help to provide Better Soil for Better Plants. In our organic blends, we do not use peat or sphagnum moss, which many times is stripped from the ground in an environmentally damaging manner.
Father Doms blends are made from recycled yard, forest, agricultural and garden material, which helps our environment. These materials are composted for several months at high temperatures, a process that breaks down the materials and sterilizes out the impurities.
Father Doms DOO GOOD PRODUCTS have two Os. The first O is for being Organic environmentally friendly products. The second O is for Opportunity - providing work for people in the community with special needs and providing funds for charitable organizations. We provide a line of organic products for use in both container gardens and garden beds. From our original offering of Father Doms Original Organic Compost, which is both a soil conditioner and a slow release organic fertilizer, we have expanded our line to include our Premium Organic Potting Mix, Premium Rose/Flower Organic Mix, and Premium Tomato/Vegetable Organic Mix.