We welcome you to the website of St. Mark the Evangelist, a Roman Catholic Church in Kenosha, Wisconsin.
St. Mark the Evangelist is a multicultural community that is representative of the many peoples and cultures which comprise the Catholic Church. As a local gathering of God's people, its 4,800 members seek to find God in all things and to serve God wherever and in whatever way will bring the Kingdom into this world. We are committed to growing in the love of Christ and witnessing to His Gospel.
This Web site will give you information about our parish and school. If you are not a member of St. Mark, we invite you to visit us in person to see for yourself why our 4,800 members call our parish their spiritual home. If you wish to become a member, call the parish office at (262) 656-7373. A brief biography of our patron saint, St. Mark, is here.
Bulletins: Nov. 21 Nov. 14 Nov. 7 Oct. 31 Oct. 24 Oct. 17 Oct. 10 Oct. 3 Sept. 26 Sept. 19 Sept. 12 Sept. 4
Weekend MASS SCHEDULE Fall 2010 Choir Schedule
Saturday: 4 pm (English)
Christmas Eve: 3pm Children's Pageant and 4pm Family Mass
7pm Misa en espanol
Monday : 8:15 am - Communion Service
9:30 am - 3rd Monday of the month at Meadowmere Southport, 8351 Sheridan Road
10:30 am - 3rd Monday of the month at Sheridan Medical Complex, 8400 Sheridan Road
Tuesday: 10:30 am - School Mass on school days (September - May)
8:15 am - Mass when school is not in session (begins on June - August)
Wednesday: 8:15 am - Mass
6:30 pm - Mass (Spanish) *Confessions at 6 pm.
Thursday: 8:15 am - Communion Service
Friday: 8:15 am - Mass
9 am Mass (English)
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament - Every Wednesday from 2 - 6 pm in the Chapel
Confessions - Every Saturday, 8 - 9 am in the Church