Welcome to the First Presbyterian Church of Waukesha
We strive to share Jesus Christ in word and deed. Let us help your family know Christ and grow in faith, while discovering spiritual purpose in your life.
A day of worship at the First Presbyterian Church of Waukesha includes a meaningful worship service, enrichment Sunday School for children, stimulating adult education and discussion groups, choir practices and fellowship opportunities after service.
Our worship service begins at 10:00 a.m. and is led by Rev. Dee Talley. Thought provoking sermons are enhanced by the musical talents of our congregation.
Children are welcome to participate in song and prayer before they depart to the GFL, God's Faith League, where they participate in song, art, computer, and cooking designed to enhance educational activities.
Members participate in pre-services activities. We have a strong adult education program which meets at 9:00 a.m. to discuss current issues in the life of a Presbyterian.
While parents participate in the adult education, children attend the Praise Singer Choir. Thus parents can participate in programs while children learn scripture through song. Choir practices are held only on Sundays for convenience of our busy lives.
Following our morning worship, we all gather in fellowship hall for our "Social" time to share cookies, coffee and juice. We see ourselves as one big family and enthusiastically welcome those newcomers to our congregation. Our fellowship is a great time to get to know the "First Family".
Other fellowship, mission and volunteer opportunities are available within our church and we delight in the addition of new ideas and opportunities. Please visit our links for additional information. Our Pastor and congregation hope you will visit.