Let Stewardship Become a Source of Joy and Blessing
We do it with BINGO, said a parishioner at another parish, but its a terrible way to finance a church. Games are good entertainment, but they are not a substitute for responsible Christian stewardship.
Stewardship is a concept that is as old as the Bible, yet as modern as the Internet. Stewardship simply means the responsible and generous sharing of all our blessings. Those blessings include time, talent, and treasure. They each come from God.
Stewardship is a catholic term, meaning that it embraces all of life. We are not owners of our time, talent and treasure; we are stewards, called by God to manage these for a while on earth. Ponder for a moment that everything you now own, everything, will one day be owned by someone else! We are only stewards.
Catholics who understand stewardship see God, the church, and their parish as central and important in their life. Giving money to the church is no longer seen as simply meeting the needs of the parish. Giving of our time, talent and treasure has to be freely given from a grateful heart, or it is dishonest. I preach equal sacrifice, not equal giving. Count your blessings first, then give accordingly.
For many people the practice of stewardship has become a source of joy and blessing, rather than a worry. It has become a new and exciting way of exercising ones faith, and trusting more deeply in God. It means knowing that God will bless you richly in return when you are generous to church and charity.
As Catholics, we are encouraged to read Scripture, especially focusing on the readings included in our liturgies. An easy way to find these and other Scripture texts is to link to the site for the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops:
Today’s Readings Readings for Other Dates
Daily Inspiration and Information
St. Anthony Messenger Press and the Franciscans sponsor a website that includes some daily features of interest to Catholics:
Saint of the Day Minute Meditations
Catholic News Daily Catholic Question
Weekend Mass Times
Saturday 5:00 PM • Sunday 7:30 AM • Sunday 9:00 AM •
Sunday 11:00 AM • Sunday 6:00 PM
Event Spotlight Details >>
Nov 20 & 21 - Advent Prayer Fair
Nov 25 - Thanksgiving Day Mass & Prelude Concert
Nov 25 - Thanksgiving Turkey Trot for Faith In Our Future
Nov 25 & 26 - Parish Office Closed for Thanksgiving
Dec 2 - Summer Mission Trip Meeting
Nov 28 - Co-Ed Open Gym For High School Students
Dec 2 Mothers Prayer and Faith Sharing Group
Dec 4 & 5 - Christmas Cookie & Bake Sale
Dec 7 - Advent Mission
Dec 10 - Dan Schutte in Concert - at St. Boniface Parish
Jan 23-25 - Bus Trip to the March for Life in Washington, D.C.
Jan 29 - Women of Christ Conference
Feb 12 - St. Francis Borgia Catholic School Auction
Aug 6 - 2011 Parish Festival
News Headlines Details >>
Adult & Family Ministry Hosts Advent Mission
One-night Advent Parish Mission - Dec 7
Eucharistic Adoration Offered At SFB-South
Encourage all parishioners to participate every Monday
Thanksgiving Day Mass begins at 9:00 a.m.
The offertory collection will be for Family Sharing
Parish Office Closed for Thanksgiving
Parish Office closed Thursday and Friday for Thanksgiving Holiday
Students Create Quilt of Remembrance
Remembrance Quilt is on display in the church hall
Call the Office with Prayer Requests
Privacy law requires requests to be made by family members
Baptisms are not Scheduled in the Christmas Season
Baptisms will be planned for January
November Confession Schedule
Confessions are heard on Monday evenings and Thursday afternoons
Pet Blessing Photos are Posted
Enjoy the pictures in our photo gallery
Questions about Cremation
The cemetery office has the answers
All Souls Day Pictures Ready for Pick Up
Pictures and frames are in the parish office
November is Family Caregiver Month
Free Family Caregiver Training Offered by Synergy HomeCare
Bake Sale Thank You
Divine Mercy Prayer Group
Meet every Friday at the North Church
2011 Annual Parish Stewardship Appeal Begins
Pledge forms have been mailed
TV Mass Will Be Produced Locally
Archbishop or Archdiocesan Priest Will Preside
Share Your Gifts of Time, Talent and Treasure Details >>
House of Peace Christmas Brunch T-shirt Sale
T-shirts designed by SFB youth parish member
Youth Volunteers Needed
We need Angel Gift wrappers
Help Needed to Load Angel Gifts"
For the 6th year, MRZs (through Steve Wienkers) has generously donated the use of their truck
Donate a Hymnal
November is a time to remember
Donate to the Christmas Used Toy Collection
In memory of Mike Senglaub children give toys to a less fortunate child
Donate Toward the Purchase of Christmas Flowers
Place donation in the Sunday collection
Chairperson Needed for 2011 Parish Festival
Plan and manage festival activities
Chaperones Needed for "March for Life" Bus Trip to Washington, D.C.
Parishioners and parents are encouraged to attend
Purchase a Christmas Gift for a Sister
The giving tree for the nuns is in the gathering area
Volunteers Needed for Women of Christ Conference
Be a captain or help at the event
Run, Walk, or Volunteer for the Thanksgiving Turkey Trot
Proceeds benefit Faith In Our Future
Help Needed for House of Peace Christmas Brunch
Youth and Adult Volunteers Welcome
Outreach Program - Under the Bridge
Collect Sample Items
Donations Needed for 2011 St. Francis Borgia Catholic School Auction
Ask your friends and contacts to donate
Share the Eucharist Outside of Mass
Eucharistic Ministers Needed at Local Nursing Home and Care Facilities
St. Francis Borgia to Expand Bereavement Ministry
Are you interested in being a part of this important ministry?
Christian Formation Family Program Volunteers Needed
Meal help needed to set up, serve, and clean up