Are You Looking for a Spiritual Home? There is room for you.
Come and join us.
To share with joy the love of Jesus Christ that all may know him and become his empowered followers.
We are a welcoming Christian Community where all can experience the saving grace of Jesus Christ. We are growing as disciples of Christ as we teach, support, and nurture one another in ministry to our community and world.
The people of Fifth Avenue United Methodist Church invite you to join us in striving to have an open heart in the tradition of John Wesley’s sermon on the Catholic Spirit. “Is your heart right, as my heart is with your heart? If it be, give me your hand.” [2 Kings 10:15] “Although a difference in opinions or modes of worship may prevent an entire external union; yet need it prevent our union in affection? Though we cannot think alike, may we not love alike? May we not be of one heart, though we are not of one opinion? Without all doubt, we may. Herein all the children of God may unite, notwithstanding these smaller differences. These remaining as they are, they may forward one another in love and in good works.”
The people of Fifth Avenue United Methodist Church invite you to join us as we learn more about our traditions so we are not just repeating activities but building on the best of our heritage and to be ready for new insights as the Holy Spirit teaches us more things than we were ready to learn at a previous time [John 16:12-13].
The people of Fifth Avenue United Methodist Church invite you to enter our doors for worship, study, community building and growth in Christ’s spirit and to exit our doors to live in the world as sisters and brothers of Jesus, one another, our neighbors and even our enemies.
About the United Methodist Church My Spiritual Journey
Faith in Action