We are a progressive, inclusive, mission-oriented, open and affirming community of Christians, and we would love to make you feel at home with us, wherever you are on life's journey.
Dessert First annual giving campaign:
It's safe to read the Qur'an here: Sunday Sept. 12 sermon
See the results of the 2010 Lake Edge Congregational Survey
Worship: Refresh Your Spirit
Regular Sunday Morning Schedule
Traditional Worship 9 a.m. Music sample
Classes and coffee hour: 10:10-10:50 a.m.
Contemporary Worship 11 a.m. Music sample
Wednesday Night Vespers:6 p.m., Room 104 (stick around for Bible Study at 7 p.m.)
Bible Study led by Pastor Lisa at 7 p.m. Wednesday nights and noon Tuesdays.
Check out our Outdoor Sports Ministry Get on the e-mail list for hiking, biking, canoeing, kayaking and more.
Serve: Love Your Neighbor
Help out with the GIANT Parking Lot sale August 7 to raise money for our many community service programs, or get involved with service hands-on.