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Tippecanoe Presbyterian Church
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Tippecanoe Presbyterian Church - On a spiritual quest? Expereince a faith community that gets it...
Address125 W Saveland Ave Milwaukee, WI 53207-3842
Phone(414) 481-4680
Tippecanoe Church: A Relevant Church for the Unchurched and Dischurched, too! Tippe Cares!
Home of Living Waters Contemplative Life Center

Tippecanoe Church Welcomes You!
Home of "Living Waters Contemplative Life Center"
...offering spiritual formation opportunities to all people!

Scroll Across the Top Tool Bar To Discover All The Areas Of Our Ministry!

Reached a tipping point? ...a breaking point?
Tippe Touches Lives!

Tippe is an affiliate member of...
The Center for Progressive ChristianityAn Approach to Christianity that is inclusive,innovative, and informed.
To find out more, go to:

Tippe Church is part of the "Emerging Church" Phenomenon
Relevant and Responsive

Informal and Radically Traditional
Honoring The Sacred Masculine and Feminine
Embracing The Mystic Within

We Are Of One Spirit....not necessarily of one mind!

Tippe is Green!
Tippe is a partner in the Interfaith Earth Network.

We really appreciate your being here. Our hope is you will get a sense of who we are and God's presence with us. We understand the importance of life stories, hopes, dreams, spiritual journeys. We would feel honored to share our story with you and to hear your story. Take a look around our site. We have lots to offer each other. Please give us a call or come Sunday morning at 9:30 AM to join us in worshiping.
On a spiritual quest? Looking to develop a personal relationship with God while held within a community that challenges as well as nurtures you? Open to thediverse gifts and insights of others? Desiring to find your unique"way" to faith within a sense of "oneness" known in a depth community? Then....

Come, try a church that sees life as an expression of worship - uplifted by prayer and grounded in care for others.

We get it! For faith to support you, it has to work in real life situations....a confrontation on the job, a crisis with a friend, an attempt at reasoning with your two year old. At least, that's how we see it at Tippe. We're here to help.

We not only recognize that God gave each of us a mind of our own, we believe that God expects us to use it, creatively! When you visit us, you'll hear the gospel preached with strength, gentleness, and insight. You will experience us praying, laughing and crying, singing and growing together.

So, if you're looking for a religion that makes as much sense on Monday as it did on Sunday, and a place that's as good for your soul as it is for your mind, give us a try.

Life-Giving Sunday Morning Worship 9:25 a.m.
Tippe Cafe follows!
Then themorning continues with thought-full education classes

Nursery Care is provided throughout the morning.

Our Advent Theme This Year....
Sacred Silences...What Isn't Being Said!

Living Waters Contemplative Life Center is a mission ministry
of Tippecanoe Church.
It is an outreach to unchurched, dischurched and formerly churched peoples
of any and many faith traditions.
Further, its mission is to make spiritual formation opportunities
affordable to all people,
especially those of modest income and the working poor.
Its offerings are funded through much appreciated donations and the generosity of the members and friends of "Tippe".

This theme will gather us in worship starting Sept. 19th:

FAITH: Try It on Everything!...for the way we do anything IS the way we do everything!

A Week of Holy Breathing
Palm Sunday Celebration at Summerfield United Methodist with Village Lutheran too! Three Churches....One Big Community! Worship, donkey walk, fellowship and Easter egg dying.
Maundy Thursday...At Tippe: Simple dinner and Living the Story Together...Fellowship & Worship. 6:30pm into quiet.
Good Friday Ecumenical Worship - Walking the Cross from Tippe to Prince of Peace Lutheran.
Saturday Vigil...Vigil Blessing and Labyrinth Walk into the Vigil of Waiting.
Easter Sunday at Tippecanoe..Easter brunch, egg hunt, worship with special music and dance celebrations..

Our 2010 Lenten Worship Theme!
Gathered within this breath-taking theme
weare reminded that life is breath and God is life!
Using the Aramaic teachings of the Lord's Prayer
and the Beatitudes to support our journey,
and breath work and special music, too....
explored Lent with the mindfulness
of our deepest connection to each other and creation....

Don't hold your breath another instant!EXHALE and BREATHE DEEPLY!

ADVENT 2009 up to the New Year... Followed Our Theme:
Before Your Cradle...Before The Creche
How the stories of Jesus' family andour families shape us...And Not!And the season was complete with festivities:Hanging of the Greens, potluck community lunchAdvent fun and games after worship (11/29/09)Christmas Caroling to our shut ins (12/20/09)Carols in the Sanctuary Christmas Eve followedby Christmas Eve Family Candle-light ServiceNew Year's Worship (12/27/09)..a meditativeservice of simple song and prayer to usher ina new year of life and ministry!Epiphany Good News with the Garlic Mustard Pickers (1/3/10) a day spentde-hangingthe Greens and enjoying chili lunch, Epiphany Kings, cake, song, dance & fun

Our Fall 2009 Worship and Gathering Theme...Through The Heart Of God:Recycling Our Thinking, Our Habits,
Our Very Souls!

Eastertide 2009! Our Theme.....Allelujah! Yes, We Can!In God, we find our Easter-hope and are invited each day to live that hope! Allelujah, Yes, We Can!We are each reminded we are the ones who change livesand the worldwith our own two hands. The movement weve been looking for is here! We can make it happen! We are the ones weve been waiting for!

Last Year - Lent
Our Lenten 2009theme was: What IfChurch Were A Movement
.And You Were The First To Join?IT IS! AND, YOU ARE!Movements begin with some-ones passion.and create hope! Hope creates the thing .that it contemplates.
Yethope denied, sedates. So, find your hope! Dont let it be denied!
The movement youve been looking for is here!
It is a socio/political/progressive movement...
a psychological, emotional, spiritual movement within.We are the ones weve been waiting for!

And there was Mardi Gras: Fat Tuesday into Ash Wednesday
Celebration and Worship Expression!
Pancakes, mask making, crowning the Queen & King..
before our moving into Lent

Bringing us together in 2008.............An in-between time in HIS life..Winter weeks of preparation.....for our journey with HIM through life....The wisdom teachings of Jesus from an in-between time in HIS life...the time between HIS call and the beginning of HIS ordinary extraordinary time! During our journeywith HIM, we ask ourselves What kind of help is
preceded by...Advent Preparation for the Celebration of new life in HIS Birth: FRAMING THE SEASON with HOPE, PEACE, LOVE AND JOY....framing with birthing stories...Jesus' and our own!

Fall worship 2008 gathered in the theme.... The Fallow Way Fall colors, crisp air, and autumn aromas remind us we have much bounty in our lives, plenty even in these seemingly sparse times.

Lent2008To Walk In The GardenWalking the Garden as Families.God the Creator creates out of love, through families.

Long ago, but Not So Far Away....
our 2007 Autumn worship theme"Falling Forward" continued into October as we worshiped around the theme: "A Sigh Too Deep For Words"Eastertide at Tippe 2007, Our Theme forThis Joyous Time was"If You Want to Walk on Water...YouHave To Get Out of the Boat!"built from our Lenten theme: "We Don't Have to Travel in the Same Boat to Journey Together"

The People Of Tippe CelebrateOur Gifted Staff:

Pastor: Rev. Karen Hagen
enlightenedpreacher and intergenerational educator,
certified spiritual director, reiki master, interfaith justice acitivist,
ecumenical retreat leader, Threshold Singer, memberof
Spiritual Directors International

Director of Music Ministry: Mark Wooldragefeaturing specially enhancedworship music, the ministry of the
Celebration Singers, children's music, special ensembles.

Mark invites you to join in the ministry with us.
Mark writes much original musicfor worship
based on our seasonal themes

andleads the Tippe Band whichusesa blend
of Celtic, Blue Grass, and Rock.
Mark works collaboratively with Richard Bruxvoort Colligan
as we use much of Richard's music,
as well as Karen Drucker's music,
in all aspects of our worship life together.
Tippe's Accompanist: MaryBeth Garrett

Photo by Don Mendenhall, Essence Photography

Map of Tippecanoe Church125 W Saveland Ave
Bay View, WI 53207

The content of this website is the responsibility of this website's editor and
does not necessarily reflect the views of the American Bible Society.

Branches and additional offices:
(414) 481-4680 121 W Saveland Ave Milwaukee, WI 53207-3842

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