Thank you for visiting Our Savior's Lutheran Church.
We are also home to the Rainbow World Preschool.
Our services feature a variety of worship styles.
You and your family are invited to join us for worship and fellowship.
Featured Ministry of the Month
“MISSION SEWING” Women of our Savior’s make quilts for Lutheran World Relief. They also facilitate the in-gathering of
items for Lutheran World Relief kits such as school kits, baby
layettes, health kits, and sewing kits. These materials are sent oversees to people in need. What joy in helping others!
There are no items to display
Calendar of Events
Sunday Worship Services 8:30 am Traditional10:30 am Contemporary
Wednesdays: Family Education Night5:00 – 5:45 pm Dinner
& Fellowship5:45-6:30 pm Worship6:30-7:15 pm Education Preschool-6th Confirmation Sr. High Youth Group Adult Education 7:15 pm Choir
November 24Thanksgiving Eve
December 1WELCA Luncheon
December 15Christmas Party
December 19Music Sunday
1:00 pm Men's Dinner
December 24Christmas Eve
3:00pm & 7:00pm
December 2610:30 am Service Only