Experience You Can Count On
For over 125 years, Doar, Drill & Skow attorneys have been representing families and individuals in western Wisconsin. Our reputation is built on what we achieve for our clients. We are committed to being your advocate whether:
You are faced with divorce
You are looking to create a will or trust
Helping People Injured after an Accident
If you have been seriously injured or are unsure as to the outcome of your injury, an experienced personal injury attorney should be consulted as soon after the injury as possible. We can help you answer the questions that eventually arise:
Am I entitled to compensation?
Which insurance policies will cover my costs and expenses?
Should I give a statement or sign papers of any kind?
How long do I have to decide whether to make a claim?
What is my claim worth?
Should I hire a lawyer?
How and when will my claim be settled?
We Will Take Care of You
Doar Drill and Skow is recognized as one of western Wisconsin's most experienced and successful personal injury law firms. We have the experience and resources to take on the most challenging cases. In addition to personal injury, we represent clients involved in other disputes such as insurance claims, professional malpractice, business disagreements and consumer litigation.
We help people make a successful transition to life after divorce and resolve other family law problems.
We are aggressive criminal defense attorneys who defend the rights and freedom of people accused of felonies and misdemeanors. We also help our clients provide for the needs of their families by providing a full range of estate planning and probate services.
Whether your legal concern involves a serious personal injury, a divorce, a criminal charge or another legal matter, Doar,Drill & Skow will be there for you.
Free Consultation With an Attorney
Contact us for a free consultation.
Located in New Richmond, we serve clients throughout western and northern Wisconsin.
Brief description of your legal issue
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Q: What type of damages can I expect to recover?
A: There is no way to easily predict damage settlements. Each case is different. As part of our evaluation, we will investigate similar claims and exchange opinions among members of the firm to determine a recommendation on a fair and equitable settlement..